Get a Free Sports Operations Survey and Consultation
Transform fluid operational decisions and processes to sustainable best practice procedures in sports with these valuable assets
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High School
Questions are based upon best practices standard operating procedure best practices and 14 legal duties of coaches. (adapted from U.S. Sports leagues & NIAAA 504)
According to the URMIA, there are 23 risk areas for collegiate athletics. This is a preliminary survey of your athletic department's implementation of safety and security BEST PRACTICES in 9 operational areas.
Workplace Health & Safety Planning
Ensure that your event personnel and athletes are well-equipped to implement emergency action plans for both medical and non-medical crises. Enhance your organization's capabilities by providing a widely-recognized certification program for event staff, incorporating industry-specific protocols, best practices, and strategies for emergency response.
Civility in Sports
"Call to Action"
Calling all stakeholders in efforts to restore sportsmanship, character, and civility within the realm of athletic competition
Incivility and abuse in sports have impacted all levels of athletics. The time is now to begin to change the narrative as it relates to civility in sports with our parents, coaches, athletes, fans, and administration. Join the movement!!
Workshops - Live, Virtually, Self-Paced
It’s More than Sportsmsnship -
Bigger than the Game!!
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The AD Playbook
"Policies to Practice" deep dive into the implementation of risk management best practices of athletic events, organizations, and departments.
Links to sample outlines, forms, and workbook.
Minority Athletics Access Program
MAAP is designed to introduce minorities to the sports industry and create pathways to opportunities.